An Exhibition of Graphics by Haren Das

Haren Das (1921) was born in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. He completed diploma in Fine Art from the Government College of Arts and Crafts, Kolkata. He specialised in graphic arts and studied mural painting as well. He introduced line engraving and etching into the course curriculum of the Government College of Arts and Crafts. This laid the foundation for print making and graphic art education in India. Most of his artworks depict rural and pastoral Bengal. He won several national awards. He died in Kolkata in 1968.

In ‘An Exhibition of graphics by Haren Das’ organised at Surrendra Paul Art Gallery (Sangeet Shyamla), New Delhi showcases his various artworks such as Etching, Woodcut, Lithograph, Linocut, etc. The exhibition curated by Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya was inaugurated on 29th September, 2022. It will continue till 15th October, 2022 (between 11am -6pm, Sunday closed).

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